schmaltz also schmalz (shmälts) n. 1. Informal a. Excessively sentimental art or music. b. Maudlin sentimentality. 2. Liquid fat, especially chicken fat. [Yiddish shmalts, animal fat, sentimentality, from Middle High German smalz, animal fat, from Old High German; Schmaltz[Read More]
Christmas Eve in Provence
Christmas Eve is the most important date in the Provençal calender. It is when the family gets together to eat le gros souper, or the big supper before going to Midnight Mass. Most people I know skip the Mass but still get together en famille to eat the supper. Like most Christmas Eve in Provence[Read More]
The Christmas Fair and La Foire aux Santons
It seems that every town now has its own Christmas fête and Tarascon is no exception. But besides stalls selling vin chaud, fresh crêpes, Santa costumes for babies, (wonder if they'd fit the dogs?) Christmas decorations, cakes and biscuits, foie gras, etc., here The Christmas Fair and La Foire aux Santons[Read More]