Its summer here in Provence and with all the lovely tomatoes, lettuces and vegetables in the market, all I want to eat is salad for lunch. But to save it getting monotonous, I like to add different things to the basic lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish combination; so Spicy chickpeas[Read More]
New Years Day in Provence with Aigo boulidou, or Garlic Soup
In France, the Christmas festive days are spent inside with the family, but for le réveillon, or New Year’s Eve the doors are flung open and all and sundry are invited in. Everyone must have a party to go to and if they don’t they go to a restaurant or hotel to celebrate New Years Day in Provence with Aigo boulidou, or Garlic Soup[Read More]
Soupe au Pistou
In August the markets are bright and full of beans! There are many different varieties and they are so pretty, I can't resist them. I decide to make a Soupe au Pistou, which uses three types of beans, coco rouge, above, coco blancs, below and haricots verts, Soupe au Pistou[Read More]